Time & Unforeseen Occurrence Reviews



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Time & Unforeseen Occurrence by Jesse Leigh Brackstone is a story of Love, and Love's role in the Universe.  It is portrayed by the main character Jenny, and her husband Tom… er… Thomas, excuse me. Being Israeli, he doesn't appreciate the American custom of abbreviated names. His wife Jenny, the main actor in this play of unforeseen circumstances, is a delightful and talented gal who has a hidden royal bearing from the minute you meet her, and then she is surprised at her unknown royal blood, and from a delightful and ultimately knowledgeable source. Follow them and their family as it grows, through the private world of the Castle Dwellers and the poor.

   From palaces to slums, and everywhere on Earth, that is anywhere.  It will take the reader to the heights of tears in both the Joy and the Misery of life as it is lived on this Earth, lessons of life and spirit through the eyes of Jenny, Thomas, and the gang, especially their daughters Anij and Grace, the very spiritually gifted youngsters.

   Learn how the Universe works at the level of the heart and soul of man, and how we are all interconnected by time and circumstances beyond our control. Through haphazard meetings and the happy and the horrible events of life, how everything works out for those who pay attention, for those who can see the interventions and the Angels.

   This is a love story, and a family's story, and the ultimate story, and it asks the ultimate question - what is man?

   It will take you up and bring you down, it is the first book in this writer's living memory that actually brought tears of joy and pain.

   There are times and unforeseen circumstances galore through multidimensional characters and a world of the ultra rich and super poor that many can never know. The writing of the author takes you into her world and describes it in breathtaking realism. From meeting royalty in ritzy palaces, to talking with well known movie stars, whether putting arrogant reporters in their place, or enduring the evils of this world, you feel as if the author has been there and done that, and you are along for the ride.

   This is a story that takes situational dynamics to the highest level, a  spiritual level you might say. You will read about life and deaths, loving and hating, see the power of love over media agenda's and terrorists and the uncompromising stupidity and self centeredness that seems to be the dominant infestation of planet Earth. How different

cultures and even different religions come together as One when things are looked at from the right perspective. How all the threads of lives and living come together when the Great Coordinator and His messengers make sure that serendipity is the watchword of His people while on planet Earth.

   Just when you think you're merely following a written version of a modern day Ozzie and Harriet who were blessed with money, the unforeseen circumstance erupts, that takes you to new heights and spiritual depths.  The Universe thus becomes more real than you ever imagined, and lessons of life and death are learned in mysterious ways...


Piper Michael







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